Episode 026
Will your Photos survive a Disaster?
Do you, or someone you know, live in an area prone to natural disasters? Bush fires, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, are all destructive and devastating. Join Fiona Staff and Chantal Imbach as they provide valuable information on how to prepare your photos for the worst.
In this Episode we address the sensitive and real question facing many people around the world, “How can I save my precious photos in case of a disaster?”.
As we head into our bush fire season here in Australia we understand the reality of this question. We also know there are many other natural disasters facing others, both here in Australia and across the globe. We also know that people face other devastating disasters that wreak havoc and have a catastrophic impact in our lives, and on our photo collections.
In this episode we chat about the issues and give you practical advice and steps to take to ensure your precious photos survive the impact of a natural disaster, or any other disastrous event.