Roadblocks in photo management and how to overcome them

Episode 110
Roadblocks in photo management and how to overcome them

Roadblocks in photo management and how to overcome them

We’ve all been there! We finally want to tackle that photo organising project, we’re off to a good start and motivated and then we encounter the first roadblock which stops us in our tracks. Next thing we know: we are procrastinating and the project comes to a halt.

Here are some of the most common roadblocks we have encountered personally and with clients:

  1. Not knowing where to start
  2. Too many photos and pictures everywhere
  3. Too many software options
  4. Deciding whether to scan photos vs negatives
  5. Which is the right scanning equipment?
  6. What to do after you have scanned photos – archive them in albums or boxes?
  7. Do I want my photos in books and in which order? Chronological or just done?
  8. Figuring out dates of undated photos
  9. Tell one person’s story? Or integrate several chronologically?
  10. Time and place to work on a project without interruption

We discuss solutions to all those roadblocks and also invite you to listen to episodes 49 and 106 that are all about how to stop procrastination (see links in related episodes below)! And don’t forget to download our free e-guide about this very topic here!

Mentioned Links

Related episodes

Episode 002 Golden Rule 1 – Backup

Episode 003 Golden Rule 2 – Know Your Why

Episode 004 Golden Rule 3 – Create a Hub

Episode 005 Golden Rule 4 – Sort and Organise (Part 1 – Digital Photos)

Episode 006 Golden Rule 4 – Sort and Organise (Part 2 – Printed Photos)

Episode 007 Golden Rule 5 – Do Something!

Episode 013 Scan or not to Scan

Episode 023 5 Steps to get you Started NOW

Episode 031 What to do with inherited photos

Episode 033 5 Golden Rules Highlights

Episode 034 Storytelling with Your Photos with Mara Morrison – The Filing Fairies

Episode 035 Introducing you to the world of Digital Scrapbooking with Melissa Shanhun – Digital Scrapbooking HQ

Episode 047 What should I do with my old photo albums?

Episode 049 How to Stop Procrastinating about your Photos

Episode 057 Story Jotting with Katie Chambers- Memories to Legacy

Episode 059 What Photo Management Software is Right for Me?

Episode 067 DIY Photo Organising Courses with Miss Freddy, Adam Pratt and Caroline Guntur

Episode 070 Realistic time frames in Photo Organising

Episode 071 Realistic time frames when Scanning

Episode 072 Which 100 photos would you choose to document your life?

Episode 076 What to do with slides

Episode 082 Planning Photo Projects

Episode 088 Expert tips on photo archiving with Kate Jacus – The Photo Curator

Episode 089 5 tips for sorting printed photos

Episode 094 What’s A Photo Without Story with Hazel Thornton – Organized for Life and Beyond

Episode 095 What to do with Negatives

Episode 097 How a timeline can help with photo organising

Episode 104 Photo Project Ideas and a Real Life Example

Episode 106 How to move forward and stop procrastinating

How to Stop Procrastinating Guide

Get our Free eGuide to Ensure You Stop Procrastinating about your Photo Projects and Take Action Today!

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