Planning Photo Projects

Episode 082
Planning Photo Projects

How wonderful to connect with you again – our first time this year! We are going to make a wild guess that perhaps you took a photo or two over Christmas and New Year!

So did we! 

Chantal went on a holiday with her family to Tasmania (in Australia) and Fiona went on a holiday with her family to Phillip Island (in Victoria, Australia).

We thought we would get straight into something very practical for you in this episode! 

Planning! This episode is all about helping you plan the projects you might like to do this year, that are centred around your photos. 

Firstly we give you lots of ideas on projects you could plan to create, and then we give you a 4 step strategy to create your photo projects! 

(Spoiler alert…we had a lot of fun and laughter creating this episode!)

Links discussed in this episode

How to Stop Procrastinating Guide

Get our Free eGuide to Ensure You Stop Procrastinating about your Photo Projects and Take Action Today!

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