Episode 090
How to share your family photos using SmugMug
One of the most asked questions when it comes to photo management is: how can I share my photos with others? As always, it depends on a lot of variables such as the photo management software and computer you are using. However, a great solution, which we have mentioned many times, is SmugMug – a cloud-based sharing software.
Today, we talk with Kaydin Carlsen from SmugMug, who has been a passionate advocate for the photography industry for more than a decade and has been supporting and working with professional photo organisers on best practices and workflows for managing photo and video digital assets using SmugMug.
If you have wondered how to share your photos easily after you have managed your collection on your computer, we encourage you to try SmugMug. There is even the added bonus that it is an off-site backup!
Use this link here to get 25% off your first year of any SmugMug account level.
Here are some of the features we like about SmugMug:
- It is software independent, i.e. it works on Windows PCs and Macs.
- You can upload photos and videos.
- Space is unlimited.
- It keeps metadata you have previously added intact.
- The files are uploaded in full size.
- You decide who sees what, it can be totally private.
- You can invite people to upload their photos to your account (very handy for events!).
- You can upload an existing folder structure (6 levels).
These are only a few advantages. We invite you to try it out yourself – the first couple of weeks are free! If you want to keep it afterwards, don’t forget you get 25 % off your first year if you use this link to start with.
Also, don’t forget to check out the YouTube playlist How To SmugMug where you find lots of tutorials that will also give you a better visual of how SmugMug looks like.
Related episodes:
Episode 16 Keep photos safe while travelling
Episode 31 What to do with inherited photos
Episode 37 Exploring Genealogy with Caroline Guntur
Episode 41 Managing photos and videos using forever who Shelley Murray
Episode 52 How do I gather photos from other family members
Episode 53 How do I share photos with others